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Restore Your Core Publishes: "Is Diastasis Recti Fixable?" Thursday, May 21st, 3:35 PM
Diastasis Recti: Is it Fixable?

NASHVILLE, United States - May 18, 2020 / Syndiket Marketing /

Finding out that you may have a diastasis recti can be a daunting and scary thing. It is common to feel stressed or anxious about all of the information out there regarding DR and its symptoms. However, diastasis recti is not usually a permanent condition and can often be addressed through proactive rehab and physical therapy.

It is possible that your rectus abdominis separation may never close all the way, but recent studies have shown that focusing on core restoration and building strength should be the primary goal in recovery. This means that even a small gap can still mean a completely functional core.

How DR Develops

There are a few ways in which a diastasis recti can develop. Some of the most common reasons for its occurence include:

  • Multiple pregnancies
  • Frequent or rapid changes in weight
  • Weightlifting
  • Certain core exercises
  • Underlying Abdominal Illnesses (i.e. stomach cancer, or cirrhosis)
  • Obesity

One thing to keep in mind: a diastasis recti is not the same thing as a hernia. There is no tearing of the abdominals, but a separation caused by the stretching of the connective tissue that lines the midline of the core. This creates a gap in the middle of the adbomen ranging from the ribcage to the pubic bone.

diastasis recti range

Core Exercises Have Shown Successful Recovery Results

Preventing and healing a diastasis recti can be difficult to wrap your head around. However, being educated regarding healthy and safe exercise and workout routines can be a helpful approach to healing and preventing a diastasis recti.

Affective diastasis recti prehab and rehab seeks to focus on approaching a diastasis recti by helping prevent you from making common, harmful workout cheats that could be damaging your abdominals. Then end result and goal with a program like Restore Your Core is developing a functional core through intelligent core rehabilitation.

Due to diastasis recti being more common in postpartum women, there are many ways of addressing the issue. Postual awareness, corrective exercises, and prehab during pregancy are several ways in which Lauren and her group of professionals help aid in recovery and prevention. Whether you are pregnant or not, there are several things to keep in mind:

  • Understand a good / healthy / functional core strategy 
  • Practice appropriate breathing patterns
  • Ensure your abs are free from excess tension
  • Avoid exercises that increase focalized tension in the abdomen
  • Practice good posture

Although in some cases DR is not completely avoidable, these things help paint a clear picture as to how you can protect your core while still staying active. The key is to remain mindful of your body's function and how to increase your body's mobility and engagment while building strength - all while avoiding painful, lifelong injuries.

To learn more, check out Lauren's hub containing all kinds of information regarding diastasis recti, preventative measures, appropriate exercises for recovery, and more. 

Contact Information:

Restore Your Core

United States

Lauren Ohayon

Original Source: https://restoreyourcore.com/learn/diastasis-recti/is-diastasis-recti-fixable/

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