Law Firm Marketing Pros Partner and Co-Founder Josh Konigsberg joined Daria Anne, host of Your Book, Your Brand, Your Business on W4CY Radio to discuss his COVID-19 Survival Checklist for law firms and small businesses. Filled with useful, practical information they can implement right away, Konigsberg created the COVID-19 Survival Checklist to ensure his clients’ survival and success during and long after the pandemic is over.
“We wanted to help our clients outsmart the competition when life gets back to normal,” Konigsberg explained. “Some things they must do right away and other things they must plan for 60-to-90 days out. While it’s intuitive to contract in times of crisis, one of the qualities that distinguish highly successful people is their ability to focus on expansion and execute on a marketing strategy. They view marketing as a long-term investment to attract more leads, more clients, and more profits.”
Even for those businesses that do not have the money to invest in marketing, something as simple as placing a pop-up on their website with the status of their business and being even more visible on social media can keep them top-of-mind for their clients and customers.
“Google’s traffic is up over 50 percent and Facebook’s traffic is up over 70 percent,” Konigsberg noted. “People are home and spending more time online. Now is a great time to develop compelling content you can share with your clients, customers, and prospects. Whether you realize it or not, when someone finds your business through word-of-mouth or a networking referral, the first thing they are going to do is search for you online. That includes your website, your social media, and your reviews.”
While Google and Yelp have temporarily suspended reviews, Konigsberg advised that now is the perfect time to solicit reviews from clients. During this difficult time, people are looking for ways to help small businesses, and in the realm of digital marketing, great reviews ensure that they will have a great reputation long after the pandemic has passed.
Konigsberg ended the interview with an inspiring message. “I sent an email to a client and reminded him that with each passing day we are one day closer to getting back to normal. If we all hang in there and remain compassionate and patient, we’re going to get through it. We beat polio; we can beat this.”
To listen to the full interview click here.
At Law Firm Marketing Pros, our vision is to help improve the way law firms market their services. Our mission is to educate, serve, and provide our clients with the most cutting-edge, efficient, and cost-effective online marketing tools available, to increase their revenues and profits, and exceed their goals.
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Law Firm Marketing Pros
250 S. Central Blvd, Suite 100-A
Jupiter, FL 33458