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Mississauga Meal Delivery Company Explains The All Fruit Diet Wednesday, July 10th, 6:01 PM
The Fruitarian Diet: Explained by Mississauga Healthy Meal Delivery Company

Mississauga, Canada - July 10, 2024 / Protein Chefs - Mississauga Healthy Meal Delivery /

Mississauga Meal Delivery

The Fruitarian Diet: Explained by Mississauga Healthy Meal Delivery Company

Eating a diet rich in nutrient dense fruits is a wonderful way to stay healthy. Consuming regular amounts of fresh fruit is a staple of today’s top recommended diets. And for some, eating fruit–and only fruit– is their preferred diet. But, what does eating an all fruit diet (known as the Fruitarian diet) entail? And is it safe and healthy for everyone?

This article will explore what a fruitarian diet is, discuss its origins, and the food staples of the diet, as well as weighing its health benefits and potential risks.

What is the Fruitarian Diet?

A fruitarian diet is a type of vegan diet where about 75% or more of the food consumed comes from fruits. Adherents to this diet focus on eating mostly raw fruits, although some may include nuts and seeds in small amounts.

 “In an all fruit-diet people can explore the different types of fruits available in the market. With every season comes different varieties of fruits that keep the diet fresh, full of nutrients and delivers a robust selection of flavors year round.”

-Ronneil Ramlal, CEO of Protein Chefs

 Diet Composition

The primary staples of a fruitarian diet include fresh, ripe fruits. Common choices are apples, berries, and citrus fruits, which many prefer to eat raw as a way to maximize nutrient retention. In some instances, fruitarians might also eat certain types of vegetables, like tomatoes and cucumbers, which are botanically classified as fruits.

Variety and Restrictions

The fruitarian diet is not complicated – fruitarians eat fruit, and only fruit. An all-fruit diet excludes all animal products, as well as most vegetables, grains, and cooked foods, making it one of the most restrictive dietary choices.

Fun fact! Did you know nuts are actually fruits? According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), nuts are a type of fruit. How? Nuts are classified as fruits because they develop from the ovary of a plant and contain seeds.

Where Does the Fruitarian Diet Come From?

The fruitarian diet has historical roots reaching back to ancient times. It is often associated with cultural and religious practices that emphasize purity and non-violence towards living creatures. 

Notably, some interpretations of early Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism advocate for diets that minimize harm to all forms of life, which can include adhering to a diet primarily composed of fruits and seeds that do not kill the plant.

In more modern times, the fruitarian movement gained prominence in the late 20th century as part of a broader wave of interest in alternative lifestyles and diets that focus on health, ethical consumption, and environmental sustainability. 

Figures such as Steve Jobs have been reported to experiment with fruitarianism, which has helped bring attention to this unique dietary philosophy among the public searching for wellness through natural and plant-based eating habits.

What Can I Eat on A Fruitarian Diet Plan? 

To adopt a fruitarian lifestyle, you should derive at least half of your caloric intake from raw fruits like bananas, papayas, grapes, apples, and berries. 

Typically, the remaining 25% to 50% of calories might come from nuts, seeds, vegetables, and whole grains. However, more stringent fruitarians often consume up to 90% of their diet as fruit, with the remaining 10% consisting of nuts and seeds.

The fruitarian diet is generally organized into the following seven categories of fruits:

  • Acid fruits: Citrus, cranberries, and pineapples.
  • Sub-acid fruits: Sweet cherries, raspberries, and figs.
  • Sweet fruits: Bananas, grapes, and melons.
  • Oily fruits: Avocados, coconuts, and olives.
  • Vegetable fruits: Peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, and squash.
  • Nuts: Hazelnuts, cashews, almonds, pistachios, and walnuts.
  • Seeds: Sunflower, pumpkin, and squash seeds.

Below is a 3-day menu plan that shows what eating a fruit only diet might look like. 

   Meal Menu
Day 1 Breakfast Smoothie bowl: blended bananas, blueberries, coconut water, topped with sliced strawberries and walnuts
  Lunch Mixed fruit bowl: mango, pineapple, kiwi
  Dinner Chilled melon soup: blended cantaloupe, watermelon, hint of lime, side of fresh figs
Day 2

Breakfast Fresh segments of orange and grapefruit sprinkled with pomegranate seeds
  Lunch Fruit salad: grapes, apple slices, raspberries, optional raw honey, sprinkled with chia seeds
  Dinner Sliced peaches and plums, accompanied by raw almonds and a bowl of cherries
Day 3

Breakfast Tropical fruit medley: papaya, dragon fruit, star fruit, with macadamia nuts
  Lunch Stuffed dates: almond butter and coconut shreds, with pear and avocado slices
  Dinner Salad: tomato, cucumber, fresh basil, avocado, dressed with olive oil and lemon juice


Is A Fruit-Only Diet Healthy?

Fruitarian Diet Benefits

The all-fruit diet offers an abundance of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants due to its heavy reliance on fruits. These nutrients are essential for maintaining good health, promoting healthy skin, and boosting the immune system. 

Fruit is an excellent way for our body’s to access essential vitamins and minerals such as:

  • Vitamin A (beta-carotene)
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Phosphorous
  • Folic acid
  • Antioxidants

Risks of Eating an All-Fruit Diet

However, while fruits are rich in certain nutrients, they lack others that are crucial for a balanced diet. This includes protein, essential fats, and certain vitamins and minerals like Vitamin B12, iron, and calcium, which are scarcely found in fruits.

Adopting an all-fruit diet also has its drawbacks due to its restrictive nature. The lack of variety can lead to nutritional deficiencies over time, which might cause health issues such as weakened bones, compromised immune function, and decreased muscle mass. 

 “Fruit is rich in vitamins, nutrients, and natural sugars that our bodies need to function well and support good health. However, fruit cannot fulfill all of our nutrition requirements and eating only fruit can lead to serious nutritional deficiencies.”

-Ronneil Ramlal, CEO of Protein Chefs


Additionally, the high sugar content in fruits, primarily fructose, can be problematic for individuals with diabetes or those susceptible to blood sugar spikes.

Key considerations of the all-fruit diet include:

  • Rich in vitamins and antioxidants: Fruits provide essential vitamins and antioxidants that are beneficial for health.
  • Lacks essential nutrients: The diet is low in protein, essential fats, and certain vitamins and minerals.
  • Potential nutritional deficiencies: Prolonged adherence can lead to deficiencies that affect overall health.
  • High sugar content: The diet's high fructose levels can impact blood sugar levels and may not be suitable for everyone, especially people with diabetes.

Make Healthy Eating Easy with Protein Chefs - Mississauga Healthy Food Delivery

While “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” is great advice, eating only fruit can present certain risks that can have long-term negative effects on your health. Instead, we recommend eating a diet that’s balanced and offers your body every vitamin and every micro and macro-nutrient you need to enjoy an energetic, healthful life.

At Protein Chefs, we make eating healthy easy for residents of Toronto and Ontario. We deliver pre-made, healthy meals designed for real people who want fresh, flavorful, and delicious food to eat. With options for vegans, vegetarians, and other dietary requirements, you’ll always find something you can enjoy.

Explore what we have to offer today. Visit our menu. When you’re ready to place your first order, we’ll take $15 off your first bill.

Contact Information:

Protein Chefs - Mississauga Healthy Meal Delivery

30 Eglinton Ave W #400
Mississauga, ON L5R 3E7

Protein Chefs
(833) 585-1613

Original Source: https://proteinchefs.com/blogs/news/fruit-diet

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