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Enjoy a New Style of Worship at Our Christian Church in Sarasota, FL Tuesday, December 5th, 5:00 PM
Suncoast Community Church Offers a Truly Exalting Worship Service

Sarasota, United States - December 5, 2023 / Suncoast Community Church /

Are you tired of attending the same old church and getting the same old sermon, week after week? Do you long for a bit of variety? Your best bet will be to check out a new church with a new style of worship. Suncoast Community Church has been created to offer a truly exciting and inspiring worship service in Sarasota, FL.

Put the Joy Back Into Worship

Suncoast Community Church is in Sarasota, FL. We were formed a while back when our original members got tired of having to endure the same old boring services every Sunday. While the words were right, the spirit that those holy words embody was missing. As a result, we were numbing ourselves with a routine that took all the joy out of worship.

Suncoast Community Church has gone out of its way to eliminate boredom. We offer a dynamic and constantly evolving worship style geared toward people who desire an active style. We offer our members the chance to worship in a style of true fellowship that all can enjoy. This has been the key to our ongoing success.

We're Here to Help You, Not Judge You

All too often, people feel judged instead of welcomed when they come to church. This is what sets our style of worship apart from others. For one, we're not here to judge you according to your lifestyle, decisions in life, or present circumstances. We think of ourselves as a hospital for the soul, rather than a courtroom where you need to come to be judged.

Our sense of fellowship revolves around striving to change and improve lives, not judging or condemning them. We attempt to instill the idea of taking a full measure of responsibility for our own actions and those around us. This is the goal by which we strengthen ourselves spiritually and in every other sense.

Where Everyone Is Welcomed

Everyone is welcome at Suncoast Community Church, a Christian community that spans generations and cultures. We are a group of believers with different backgrounds and viewpoints; we do not have a dogma or statement of beliefs. 

We feel that the relationships we have with one another are far more essential than any dogma or statement, and we encourage people to talk openly and honestly about their beliefs. Ultimately, Suncoast adopts Jesus' perspective of God as a loving parent, following in his footsteps.

Celebrate Christmas With Suncoast Community Church

Are you looking for a Christian church in Sarasota, FL? Please join us at Suncoast Community Church for our Christmas celebration. It's Christmas again, and we want it to be exceptionally special and sentimental for some of you. This year, we're reuniting your favorite characters (as well as introducing a few new ones) for a thrilling and funny Christmas Eve musical extravaganza. Bring the whole family along for some fun before our cherished candle-lighting ceremony. We are confident that with four convenient times (10:30 AM, 3:00 PM, 4:30 PM, and 6:00 PM), this year will be one you will not want to miss!

Contact Information:

Suncoast Community Church

8000 Hawkins Rd,
Sarasota, FL 34241
United States

Contact Suncoast Community Church
(941) 924-6411

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