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Transform Your Home into a Sustainable Powerhouse with Solar Panel Installation Monday, April 17th, 7:00 PM
Upgrade Your Home's Energy Efficiency with Smart Main Panel in Residential Solar Installation

Las Vegas, United States - April 17, 2023 / Smart Main Panel /

Residential Solar Panel Installation

Solar Panels for Residential Homes

The popularity of home solar systems has increased over the past decade as rooftop solar became a popular investment. Businesses and homes across the country are moving away from the fossil-fueled electric grids to a clean energy economy. 

This is driven by the need to reduce global climate change emissions. Rooftop solar panels for houses are gaining ground in this period of energy reform. It is time to give residential solar the credit that it deserves.

No matter your opinion on climate change, it is clear that renewable energy sources such as wind power and solar system energy are the best. 

The sun is the purest form of energy and an infinite resource. The solar panel is simple and easy to use to tap their power. Energy independence should not be a slogan. It should be a way to live.

Consumers have good news with the steady fall in solar panel prices and an increase in efficiency. Manufacturers have made it possible for consumers to increase the efficiency of their panels and get more power per square foot.

Price of Home Solar Panels

After taking into consideration the federal solar tax credits, homeowners will pay between $17,538 to $23,458 in 2022. Installing solar panels is a long-term investment. 

Smart Main Panel shoppers usually make a profit on their solar installations in seven to eight years. The exact answer to the question about how much solar panels cost will depend on where you live and what size your system is. 

Our data can help you determine the cost of solar panels in the United States based on factors such as state, manufacturer, size of the solar panel system, and other variables.

Home Solar Companies

Solar panels for your home don't just show up on your roof. There are many steps that you need to take in order to make sure you're a good candidate, understand your options, and finally put solar panels on your property. There are some important steps you should keep in mind at a high level.

1. Find out your solar potential

When looking for a residential solar system, there are several things you should consider. Residential solar panels work best when facing south.  This is because they have a better performance on roofs that slope between 15 to 40 degrees.

It is also important to determine how much sunlight your roof receives throughout the day. Installing home solar panels requires sunlight to produce electricity. If your roof is shaded by trees or chimneys, it will have an impact on how solar-friendly your home is. 

Use our Solar Calculator for a personalized assessment of your home's potential solar panel savings.

2. Compare solar options: Community Solar vs. Rooftop

One of the best aspects of residential solar energy is the variety of options available to homeowners who don't have a suitable roof but still want to go green. 

Ground-mounted solar panels and community subscriptions are two popular ways to get solar power without having to install anything on your roof. 

You can connect with other people in your community to share a system. Ground-mounted arrays allow you to install and own your system without any roof restrictions.

3. Calculate how many solar panels are needed

Next, you need to understand your solar requirements so that you can compare solar quotes. A typical home will need between 20 and 25 solar panels to provide 100 percent electricity. 

However, the number of panels you actually need depends on many factors. The number of solar panels that you will need depends on your location, panel efficiency, power rating, and personal energy costs. The price of solar is directly affected by how many solar panels you require for your home.

4. Get a Home Solar quote

Once you are certain that you are a good match for solar, and you have a clear understanding of your financing and payment options, it is time to compare and gather quotes from solar companies. Most solar buyers only received one quote from a Smart Main Panel selling solar in their area.

How can you ensure you are getting a fair price on the right system?

Smart Main Panel allows you to receive up to seven personalized solar quotes from experienced, qualified installers in your area when you sign up for an account.  Solar shoppers who receive quotes from Smart Main Panel typically pay 20% less than those who don't.

5. Learn how to pay for solar

There are several options available for financing your rooftop home solar PV system purchase. The main three options are cash purchases, solar loans, and solar leases. Cash payment for your rooftop residential solar systems is the best way to save money, if you have the means. 

A cash purchase will usually yield the best return on your solar investment because you own your panels and there is no interest to pay on the loan.

6. Cost of Home Solar Power

After you've met with the installers, done all site visits, and planned, installing a solar panels system at home will take only a few days. There are many factors that will affect the time it takes to install your home solar energy system. 

You will need to add time for net metering or other processes so that your panels can be properly connected to the grid. Although the process of selecting solar panels may take time, it is relatively quick and easy to install them.

Contact the Smart Main Panel today. Solar energy is a renewable and clean energy system. Many tax incentives and tax benefits are available. 

Contact Information:

Smart Main Panel

5145 S Arville St Suite F
Las Vegas, NV 89118
United States

Ara Petrosyan
(818) 373-0077

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