Press Release

Temporary Restraining Orders - Here's What You Need to Know!
Friday, March 24th, 4:00 PM
What You Should Know About Temporary Restraining Orders!

Fort Worth, United States - March 24, 2023 /Schreier & Housewirth Family Law/

One of the protective orders that divorce lawyers come across while representing clients is the temporary order, usually signed by a judge while the divorce case is ongoing.

Attorneys find that many people do not fully understand the purpose of these orders and what they are meant to protect.

Temporary orders are important documents when served by the court, so it is essential that anyone working with a divorce law firm to get through their divorce understand them and what the order means in their specific divorce case. 

Why Are Temporary Orders Issued? 

Temporary orders are frequently issued by a judge during a divorce case to send the message to spouses and their divorce lawyers to maintain the status quo as the divorce progresses.

Typically, it means that the spouse being served is not to make any changes such as hiding wealth, preventing the other spouse from seeing the children, selling off assets, or anything else that might come into question during the divorce process.

Although temporary orders being signed do not assume the recipient is guilty of any type of wrongdoing, divorce attorneys understand that they can be issued without notice when a judge feels that involved parties must be reminded to avoid making any changes that could affect the outcome of the divorce. 

When Temporary Orders Become Challenging

In most cases, a TRO involving children will call for the current custody order to be upheld until divorce and custody hearings can happen.

Occasionally, an order that addresses children can become more challenging and involve temporary changes to the current custody order.

In these instances, served spouses should seek the help of a divorce law firm to represent them and challenge the order if the changes to custody orders seem unnecessary or unfair.

Spouses and parents have a right to tell the other side of the story, even about the issuance of a temporary restraining order.

Board-Certified Family Law Attorney Greg Housewirth talks about the issuance of temporary restraining orders in this informative 2-minute video, the challenge presented when a TRO seeks extraordinary relief, and what it all means. 

Handle A Temporary Restraining Order With A Qualified Divorce Lawyer

When a judge signs a temporary restraining order, divorce attorneys advise that in most cases, it is done as a protective measure to prevent spouses from working against each other throughout the process.

Some TROs can be more complicated and should be discussed with an experienced divorce lawyer who will act in a client's best interest to interpret the meaning of a TRO and help clients react appropriately.


If served with a Temporary Restraining Order, be sure to contact a divorce law firm such as Schreier & Housewirth for help with TROs and other important divorce assistance.

The insight of board-certified family attorneys at Schreier & Housewirth is invaluable when facing any family law issue – call them today at (817) 753-8565 for help!


Contact Information:

Schreier & Housewirth Family Law

1800 W Bowie St
Fort Worth, TX 76104
United States

Greg Housewirth
(817) 923-9999

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